Yesterday my decluttering project reached $1000.00!
I would say we started this project in November.
I used to donate most of items, but this time I had a problem. I had bunch of big items, which I needed to get rid of.

My next step was posting my big items on craiglist. It actually worked pretty good. We sold most of my son's bikes, old couch, grill and outdoor furniture we didn't use.
Then I discovered This site is like an ongoing garage sale for your items in your area. You log in with your facebook account and find a group close to where you live. Then you post pics and description of items you want to sell. If someone is interested they will contact you. It's very fast, simple and free of charges. I sold some old furniture, household items, outdoor and gardening stuff, kids clothings and sport gears there. Usually I let people do porch pick up or meet somewhere close by.

I used to sell on ebay, so I posted some items there. I only sold one item and it was too much hassles plus all fees. So I am not going to sell on ebay again.

I bring my clothes, which I don't like anymore to a local consigner store.
If I found hardware items we bought but never used, I try to return for a store credit to Lowes or Home Depot.
I still donate some items to Goodwill. Items, which are still good but I don't want to resell.
Now I catch myself walking through my house and wondering what is going to be sold next.
We still have a long way to go to get rid of all unnecessary stuff we accumulated through years.
Now days even if I am very careful what we are buying, somehow we still accumulate stuff, which we don't like, outgrow or just don't need anymore. So this is an ongoing project.
Thanks for reading and I hope this post will encourage you to start your own decluttering project. :)
totally starting this too!