Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Project: Dividend Stocks for Teenager July Dividends update

I wrote how we started Dividend Stocks portfolio for my daughter and keep track of our progress here.

We didn't purchase any new stocks this month. Although she has enough money to invest in her bank account due to her low spendings (and me paying most of her bills right now :)). Next month she will need to purchase books for school.

August 7 is going to be one year since we purchased her first 7 stocks. At least 3 of them (T, JNJ and SE) earned 25% or close to 25%. I am thinking I might sell them and rebalance her portfolio. By doing this we will collect earnings and we can add an extra stock to her portfolio. I think she wants to do it. But we will see how market will act in next week.

Overall portfolio gain so far is +12.98%, the only stock which is lacking is still LHO.

July Dividends was only LHO $19.46

Here is her dividends month by month:


Thanks for reading.


  1. She is lucky to have a mom who is helping her jump start her portfolio. More people should teach their kids about finance and investing! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for your nice words. I am about to start introducing my 15 y.o. son to Loyal3.

  2. More Dividends is right! It's great to have sucn a nice start in life. My own portfolio performs just a little bit better, but I'm probably twice her age.. :)

    Keep up the great work. July is a slow month, so don't worry.

    Best wishes, DfS

    1. yes, she is lucky, she doesn't have much expenses but we might have to use this money for her school in year or so.

  3. Great update. Look how fast a year flew by since you started with those first stocks. I think it's awesome that you are building a portfolio, passive income stream and educating all at the same time. Almost $20 for a passive income stream is just fine. It's fine because you are teaching and building for your daughter.

    1. yes, I can't believe it's already a year! Thanks and best wishes!
