Saturday, September 6, 2014

My weekly stock list (9/6)

This week I bought shares of RIG and ESV. 

It looks like many of offshore drilling companies are trading at their 
lowest this week.

Here is my list for upcoming week. I added some extra columns
Stock Name, descriptionprice as 9/6Yield52 wks low52 wks high1 yr target pricemy opinion of holding
NENoble Corp$26.605.60%$25.06$35.54$31.38watch very close, decide later to sell or keep
MATMattel (toys - barbie, fisher price, baby gear, etc)$35.104.30%$34.30$47.94$38.00long term
MCDMcdonalds$93.073.40%$92.22$103.78$101.39long term
RIGTransocean ltd$37.607.60%$37.33$55.74$37.63watch very close, decide later to sell or keep
PCLPlum Creek Timber$41.184.30%$40.24$50.08$44.22potential long term
ESVEnsco$47.465.90%$46.43$62.25$50.96maybe potential long term
ECEcopetrol SA$34.846.80%32.8849.4536.96watch very close, decide later to sell or keep

If I move stock to this list, it means there was a price drop or current price is somewhere in the middle.
I do not buy stocks at their highest prices. I might miss some good stocks but I prefer to sit and wait.
If I have a stock on my list, it means I like something about this stock. If I buy one of these stocks, it does not mean I plan to keep them forever. I might sell them if their price would go up a lot and I feel it's time to sell.

I love Sales on my regular shopping sprays and I use this strategy for my stock shopping... :)

Check A Frugal Family Journey Collection of Stock Analysis
 h ere

My complete Watch List of Dividends Stocks here. I update this watch list at least once a month.

My stock picking strategy here

Will this way speed up your earnings? I wrote about my idea of speeding up my earnings by trading more often and I would like to hear your opinion. Please read here

Please share your thoughts and watch lists.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. RIG pays a good dividend but I've only shares of MCD from your list. Would you increase of the restaurant chain? I've noticed that some rival restaurant chains are cheaper in terms of growth.

    1. Hi Tom, thanks for stopping by. Yes, MCD is my favorite from my list but I already bought too many shares compare to my other stocks positions, trying to keep it balanced.

  2. I am actually looking into starting an auto-purchase of MAT right now on Loyal3. Also looking into MCD as well but I am not personally a big fan of fast food, but I still should get some exposure there. But it seems like they are a much better price than YUM or BKW.

    1. Kipp, thanks for stopping by. I am a "health freak" but I still like MCD... :) They actually have lots of kind of healthy food choices and plus they show how many calories each dish has. Last night we went to MCD and my son looked at 520 calories for shake and said, "no thanks"... but we bought it for his sister... :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your recent purchase with us. I can see the yield attractiveness with those two choices. Have you considered some other stocks that have pulled back that might not yield as much but have long histories of dividend growth such as AFL and MCD.

    1. yes I bought MCD last month I think. I have enough of MAT too. Thanks for pointing out on AFL. I have this stock on my watch list but didn't even notice that it is trading at the lowest now.
