Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Opening Loyal3 account vs Extra mortgage payments

After reading other bloggers experience with Loyal3 for a while, I kept thinking about opening my own account but I was not sure if I have an extra income to invest.

Well, I was putting extra $300 toward my mortgage payments but since I have 3.5% interest rate I decided to start investing $200 into Loyal3 account.

At this point I believe it will be better for me to have cash invested in stocks, which I can pull out if I need to, especially if I pick dividend stocks. In a long run it is much easier to sell a stock than refinance a mortgage. Plus eventually I plan to turn my house into a rental property.

So far I bought 4 stocks, each $50 worth of investment - Frontier, Walmart, GAP and Store capital.

From now on I will keep track of my Loyal3 account here.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Congrats on adding another basket to the Net Worth! We recently opened a Loyal3 account as a way to transition idle monies from P2P accounts and must say we like what we have seen thus far.

    Best wishes and continued success on your journey HHWG!

  2. Congrats on opening a new L3 account. If I was starting out today I'd go to L3 or Robinhood. No doubt the $0 commish would make it enticing to me. L3 offers many great long term dividend payers in their offerings and I think it's a great platform for anyone starting out. Gone is the excuse of not having money to invest.

  3. Congrats on the Loyal3! I personally love them, as I hate the commission concept of buying/selling (well, mostly buying, since I tend to avoid selling!).

    Great to see your journey, and be able to join you on the path! Happy Investing!

  4. I use L3 myself although I don't have a consistent purchase system set up yet. Finances have been crazy this year but are starting to settle down and get back to normal. As you mentioned it really comes down to what the interest rate is and with a 3.5% rate that's pretty darn close to what you can get with some steady dividend growth companies. Our rate isn't quite as good but it's still a low enough hurdle to beat out in the long run.

  5. LOVE L3, however I learned back in mid August on that one day mega sale when stocks dropped, some by 25-40% that one morning.....with L3, you better not be in a hurry. I learned to always have money in your account to buy, since deposits take 1-2 days to clear. The batch trading for long term investors shouldn't matter much.

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