Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Project: Dividend Stocks for Teenager January Dividends update

I wrote how we started Dividend Stocks portfolio for my daughter and keep track of our progress here.

In January we purchased RY, which was from my suggestion list and AMZN, which was her own choice.

In January she got dividends just from one company 

LHO $18.72

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts.


  1. UI'm really not familiar with LHO at all though I like the RY buy. The large Canadian banks are all sporting some great yield but also can sustain them. For now, those dividends are all safe with room to grow even. The only REITs I like are health REITs. I haven't really seen LHO among many of the DGI portfolios.

    1. Hello DivHut! Thank you for stopping by and share your opinion. As usual I really appreciate it! Yes, health REIT probably will be next on my list. Best wishes to you!
