I finally was able to purchase 30 shares of BNS last week.
At this moment I am saving cash to help my mom with a purchase of her condo in Florida, so unfortunately I can't buy much stocks, but at least my dividends automatically reinvesting and building up my existing portfolio.
Although I might be able to sell some of my non dividends and maybe some dividends stocks, which already earned enough.
So many good stocks are trading at their lowest right now.
Since I am trying not to have more than 5% of each stock in my portfolio I have to skip some of good stocks for now because I already have enough of certain stocks or certain industry in my portfolio.
This is why in "stock pics list" you only see certain stocks, which I don't have in my portfolio or want to increase holdings.
My favorites for next week:
I am also watching WMT, CAT and BUD.
What's on your watch list for upcoming week?
Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts.
Showing posts with label RCII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RCII. Show all posts
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Saturday, July 26, 2014
My Weekly Stock List (7/26)

This week I did not sell any stocks but I bought shares of MCD@95.46. So I told my daughter that now I own a small piece of McDonald's and every time she or her brother buy food there I actually am getting some money back. :)
This picture was made in Russian McDonalds in 2000. :)
Here is my list for upcoming week:
Stock | Name, description | price as 7/26 | Dividend Yield |
GSK | GlaxoSmithCline | $48.60 | 4.70% |
DRI | Darden Restaurant group | $44.66 | 4.40% |
MAT | Mattel (toys - barbie, fisher price, baby gear, etc) | $35.30 | 3.90% |
MCD | McDonalds | $95.72 | 3.20% |
RCII | Rent-a-Center inc | $24.13 | 3.20% |
WFM | Whole Food Market | $36.88 | 1.20% |
ROST | Ross Stores | $63.46 | 1.20% |
As you can see I added a new stock to my current watch list.
GSK - GlaxoSmithCline is trading at 52 weeks low due to not good earning report and I guess news about bribery in Syria. I have this stock on my main watch list for a while but finally price went down.
We all know this drug manufacturing company, which manufacture most of vaccines, some specific prescription drugs as well as over counter medicine and everyday products like Aquafresh, Sensodyne, Tums... Plus they are in process of Research and Development on many new drugs and vaccines.
4.7% Dividend Yield paid for more than 20 years sounds great to me.
PE 13.81, 1 Year Target price is $58.
Read my post about ROST - ROSS Dress for Less stores - here,
DRI - Darden Restaurant group, RCII - Rent-a-Center here,
MAT - Mattel - here
By the way if you are a big Harley Davidson (HOG) fan, check out their stock. It is trading in the middle of 52 weeks low/high. But their dividends only 1.5%, although projected 1 year Target price have room to grow.
Also check A Frugal Family Journey Collection of Stock Analysis here.
My complete Watch List of Dividends Stocks here. I update this watch list at least once a month.
My stock picking strategy here.
My stock picking strategy here.
Please share your thoughts and watch lists.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
My Weekly Stock List (7/20)
I did not buy or sell any stocks this week.
It is reporting time for many companies, so we might see more stocks selling at bargain price.
if you visit my blog regularly, you might notice that my Weekly stock list is longer this week.
I noticed that MCD(Mcdonald's) shares price went down this week. This is one of the stocks I really want to have in my portfolio. Even if I am a healthy freak, I still like Mcdonalds. I believe they do have some "healthy" fast food options. My favorites are yogurt with fruit for breakfast, salad with grilled chicken or snack wrap for lunch or dinner.
ROST Ross Stores was trading at their lowest this week $91.90 on Thursday.
Read my post about ARI here, ROST here.
I wrote about DRI - Darden Restaurant group, RCII - Rent-a-Center here, WHR -Whirlpool here, CAG - Conagra food here
I already have shares of WFM - Whole Food Market which I purchased in May. The stock is trading at lowest now and if you believe in organic food market, you might consider this stock as a small addition to your portfolio.
I have shares of MAT - Mattel, which I purchased at their previous not good report. I added this stock back to my watch list because this stock is trading close to 52 lows. Everybody is saying "bye bye Barbie' but MAT - Mattel is not only Barbie. They also sell Fisher price toys, baby gear - seats, chairs, swings, nursery furniture, Polly Pocket, Hot Wheels, My American Girl, some Disney toys, etc. If you have a child, you know that we always will buy toys as well as Fisher price baby gear.
PE: 14.75, Dividends Yield 3.9%, paying dividends every year since 1990.
I believe this stock is a great addition to anyone portfolio.
I added CPB - Campbell Soup to my watch list. The dividend yield 2.7% is a little low for me but if the price of stock will keep going down, I might consider to purchase this stock. As I mentioned before I don't like to buy stocks when they are trading over 1 year target price. 1 year target price for CPB now is $41.27. PE 26.54.
It is reporting time for many companies, so we might see more stocks selling at bargain price.
if you visit my blog regularly, you might notice that my Weekly stock list is longer this week.
Stock | Name, description | price as 7/19 | Dividend Yield |
CAG | ConAgra Foods inc | $30.67 | 3.10% |
ARI | Apollo Commercial Real Estate | $16.55 | 9.50% |
MAT | Mattel (toys - barbie, fisher price, baby gear, etc) | $36.20 | 3.90% |
ROST | Ross Stores | $63.31 | 1.20% |
DRI | Darden Restaurant group | $44.38 | 4.40% |
MCD | Mcdonalds | $98.99 | 3.20% |
RCII | Rent-a-Center inc | $24.77 | 3.20% |
WHR | Whirlpool corp | $139.50 | 2.20% |
CPB | Campbell Soup | $43.95 | 2.70% |
WFM | Whole Food Market | $37.10 | 1.20% |
* If I move stock to this list, it means there was a price drop or current price is somewhere in the middle.
I do not buy stocks at their highest prices. I might miss some good stocks but I prefer to sit and wait.
If I have a stock on my list, it means I like something about this stock. If I buy one of these stocks, it does not mean I plan to keep them forever. I might sell them if their price would go up a lot and I feel it's time to sell.
I noticed that MCD(Mcdonald's) shares price went down this week. This is one of the stocks I really want to have in my portfolio. Even if I am a healthy freak, I still like Mcdonalds. I believe they do have some "healthy" fast food options. My favorites are yogurt with fruit for breakfast, salad with grilled chicken or snack wrap for lunch or dinner.
ROST Ross Stores was trading at their lowest this week $91.90 on Thursday.
Read my post about ARI here, ROST here.
I wrote about DRI - Darden Restaurant group, RCII - Rent-a-Center here, WHR -Whirlpool here, CAG - Conagra food here
I already have shares of WFM - Whole Food Market which I purchased in May. The stock is trading at lowest now and if you believe in organic food market, you might consider this stock as a small addition to your portfolio.
I have shares of MAT - Mattel, which I purchased at their previous not good report. I added this stock back to my watch list because this stock is trading close to 52 lows. Everybody is saying "bye bye Barbie' but MAT - Mattel is not only Barbie. They also sell Fisher price toys, baby gear - seats, chairs, swings, nursery furniture, Polly Pocket, Hot Wheels, My American Girl, some Disney toys, etc. If you have a child, you know that we always will buy toys as well as Fisher price baby gear.
PE: 14.75, Dividends Yield 3.9%, paying dividends every year since 1990.
I believe this stock is a great addition to anyone portfolio.
I added CPB - Campbell Soup to my watch list. The dividend yield 2.7% is a little low for me but if the price of stock will keep going down, I might consider to purchase this stock. As I mentioned before I don't like to buy stocks when they are trading over 1 year target price. 1 year target price for CPB now is $41.27. PE 26.54.
My complete Watch List of Dividends Stocks here. I update this watch list at least once a month.
Please share your thoughts and watch lists.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
My weekly Stock watch list (7/11) and my stock activities
I did not post my list last week because I didn't see any updates.
This week I sold some of shares of WIN to realize my 36% profit. I bought WIN in the beginning of February 2014 in my IRA account.
I decided to follow this way because I have a very conservative mother, who doesn't believe in stock market at all. So I want to show her that stock market can work. Plus this way I can build my portfolio faster. I will sell my dividend stocks if I reach more than 35% earnings (dividends not included in this calculation) and stocks are trading close to 52 weeks highest at that moment. Then I will reinvest this money into a different dividend stock, which is selling close to 52 weeks lows. I already know some dividends stocks will never go to my "to be sold list".
After selling WIN I bought DRI@44.28. I know everybody does not like DRI right now. But even with all negativity around this stock, analyst 1 year target price is $50. Plus 4.6% dividends gives some safety cushion. Their profit declined but they pay dividends since 1995. The company got rid of Red Lobster and trying to revamp all existing restaurants. From my own observation: all DRI restaurants in our area are booming and we just got a new one - LongHorn Steakhouse. Teenager girls and lots of women love Olive Garden. My son and his dad already reported that steaks at LongHorn Steakhouse were amazing.
Here are some articles on DRI
Will Darden Restaurants' (DRI) New Plan To Revamp Olive Garden Help Its Stock? TheStreet rates DRI as a Hold, but most of the time they say this about any stock which
Is a Turnaround Finally Starting to Happen at Olive Garden? Motley Fool thinks turnaround is starting for DRI
Zacks' Bear Of The Day: Darden Zacks doesn't like DRI at all
I was going to buy CAG - Conagra foods but I missed their 52 lowest and Analyst estimates are equal to what stock is trading for. I still might buy some shares of CAG
My watching list for upcoming week
This week I sold some of shares of WIN to realize my 36% profit. I bought WIN in the beginning of February 2014 in my IRA account.
I decided to follow this way because I have a very conservative mother, who doesn't believe in stock market at all. So I want to show her that stock market can work. Plus this way I can build my portfolio faster. I will sell my dividend stocks if I reach more than 35% earnings (dividends not included in this calculation) and stocks are trading close to 52 weeks highest at that moment. Then I will reinvest this money into a different dividend stock, which is selling close to 52 weeks lows. I already know some dividends stocks will never go to my "to be sold list".
After selling WIN I bought DRI@44.28. I know everybody does not like DRI right now. But even with all negativity around this stock, analyst 1 year target price is $50. Plus 4.6% dividends gives some safety cushion. Their profit declined but they pay dividends since 1995. The company got rid of Red Lobster and trying to revamp all existing restaurants. From my own observation: all DRI restaurants in our area are booming and we just got a new one - LongHorn Steakhouse. Teenager girls and lots of women love Olive Garden. My son and his dad already reported that steaks at LongHorn Steakhouse were amazing.
Here are some articles on DRI
Will Darden Restaurants' (DRI) New Plan To Revamp Olive Garden Help Its Stock? TheStreet rates DRI as a Hold, but most of the time they say this about any stock which
Is a Turnaround Finally Starting to Happen at Olive Garden? Motley Fool thinks turnaround is starting for DRI
Zacks' Bear Of The Day: Darden Zacks doesn't like DRI at all
I was going to buy CAG - Conagra foods but I missed their 52 lowest and Analyst estimates are equal to what stock is trading for. I still might buy some shares of CAG
My watching list for upcoming week
Stock | Name, description | price as 7/11 | Dividend Yield |
CAG | ConAgra Foods inc | $30.59 | 3.10% |
ARI | Apollo Commercial Real Estate | $16.50 | 9.50% |
RCII | Rent-a-Center inc | $25.88 | 3.20% |
ROST | Ross Stores | $65.80 | 1.20% |
DRI | Darden Restaurant group | $44.44 | 4.40% |
* If I move stock to this list, it means there was a price drop or current price is somewhere in the middle.
I do not buy stocks at their highest prices. I might miss some good stocks but I prefer to sit and wait.
If I have a stock on my list, it means I like something about this stock. If I buy one of these stocks, it does not mean I plan to keep them forever. I might sell them if their price would go up a lot and I feel it's time to sell.
I love Sales on my regular shopping sprees and I use this strategy for my stock shopping... :)
I love Sales on my regular shopping sprees and I use this strategy for my stock shopping... :)
I added RCII - Rent-A-Center inc. to my watching list. Their profits are down and they are trading close to their 52 low. It's a growing company. They "generally offer high quality
durable products such as major consumer electronics, appliances, computers, and furniture and
accessories under flexible rental purchase agreements that typically allow the customer to
obtain ownership of the merchandise at the conclusion of an agreed-upon rental period. These
rental purchase agreements are designed to appeal to a wide variety of customers by allowing
them to obtain merchandise that they might otherwise be unable to obtain due to insufficient
cash resources or a lack of access to credit."
Plus they offer their products for businesses as well to people on temporary assignments. They are expanding in Mexico, which is unprofitable right now.
For me it is a weird market, but considering lots of people's behavior as "want to have better things even if they can't afford it", this company lets them have what they want for a small monthly fee. I see the future for this company and want to watch this stock. They started paying dividends in 2010. P/E 12.61.
durable products such as major consumer electronics, appliances, computers, and furniture and
accessories under flexible rental purchase agreements that typically allow the customer to
obtain ownership of the merchandise at the conclusion of an agreed-upon rental period. These
rental purchase agreements are designed to appeal to a wide variety of customers by allowing
them to obtain merchandise that they might otherwise be unable to obtain due to insufficient
cash resources or a lack of access to credit."
Plus they offer their products for businesses as well to people on temporary assignments. They are expanding in Mexico, which is unprofitable right now.
For me it is a weird market, but considering lots of people's behavior as "want to have better things even if they can't afford it", this company lets them have what they want for a small monthly fee. I see the future for this company and want to watch this stock. They started paying dividends in 2010. P/E 12.61.
My complete Watch List of Dividends Stocks here. I update this watch list at least once a month.
Please share your thoughts and watch lists.
Thanks for stopping by!
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