Saturday, May 24, 2014

Healthy Lifestyle = More Money Part II

Healthy Lifestyle = More Money Part II

You can read Part I, which was about healthy food choices.

Today let's talk about some good habits and other random stuff which can make you happy.

My University professor used to tell us that it takes a month to create a habit. It means, you have to stick to something for a month and then it becomes a habit.

1. Of course Exercise!
I love exercise! For me it's much easier to make myself do some physical activity instead of studying unless I am learning something I am interested in at that moment.

Last week at my project job I overheard the conversation of two ladies. One very overweight lady was describing her gastric surgery for weight loss and how she is on diet now, already lost 40 pounds and soon will be able to join gym. I asked her, "but can you go for a walk now?" She was very surprised by question.

Walk is the easiest and very healthy exercise. If you can walk a  nature trail or beach, you are even more lucky. It is de-stressing and relaxing. You can pick your pace and distance.

Even on days when you have no time, just go for a brisk walk or stretch for 10 minutes.
Just think 10 minutes a day 7 days a week, adds to more than an hour per week. Not so bad.

I wrote here my Oda to the gym. I know not everybody like me can treat gym as one of their favorite hobbies. But if you don't have a gym membership, try it!  If you stick with it and find activities you enjoy, it will be the best invested money in yourself.

Swimming is another great activity during summer months. It's good for your back too.

2. Diet
I wrote about inexpensive food choices which keep your healthier and skinner but your wallet fatter in Part I.

Remember most important rules. Breakfast is a must! No excuses! If you can have a combination of healthy grains and protein, you set yourself for a productive day. Think yogurt and fruit, oatmeal, eggs, whole grain toast, healthy cereal, smoothy. Try not to eat sugary donuts or pastries.

Eat snacks in between meals. Some examples can be: Nuts, dry or fresh fruit, yogurt, cheese, fresh veggies like carrots or celery.

Lunch and dinner. Try to balance your protein and grains. You can eat as many vegetables as you handle.

Coffee, Tea and Dark Chocolate
When I worked for Nutrition doctor he kept telling me that I have to exclude coffee from my diet.
But I just can't live without coffee.
I love this article 11 Reasons Why You Should drink coffee
All cultures who drink lots of green tea live longer.

One of my favorite books is "The Fast Metabolism Diet. Eat more food & lose more weight" by Haylie Pomroy. This book will teach you how to eat as much as you want and still lose weight.

3. White Teeth
After talking about coffee, tea and chocolate time to move to white teeth.

Take care of your teeth. You don't need an expensive whitening treatment. Try to use oil pulling.
I wrote about this first time here and second time here. I use this method almost for a month and I can see that my teeth look whiter and the best part I don't have teeth sensitivity anymore.

I also found another useful info about oil pulling here.

4. Stress
Life is too short, so stop stressing about small things. My daughter is a master of "feeling stressed" about everything. We all need to remember just to breath.
Yoga class is a great way to destress. Chiropractic therapy and massage as well. Walk in the nature on on the beach... Playing with kids or animals. Gardening. Fishing. Exercising. Cleaning... Find your own zen and keep going there when you feel that stress is coming after you.

Book I like "Simple Steps. 10 weeks to Getting Control of Your life" by Lisa Lelas, Linda McClintock and Beverly Zingarella.

5. Positive Thinking
I read somewhere that every time you have a negative thought make yourself to substitute it with a positive one. I used to worry about things non stop. When I started forcing myself changing these worrisome thoughts with positive ones, my life becomes better. Next time negative thoughts visit you, imagine them as a little devils trying to attack you. So tell them, "stop and go away", smile and substitute your negative thought with a positive one.
Keep a gratitude journal. Or start count your blessings every time you feel that life is unfair to you.
Remember God is always watching over you. Doreen Virtue is one of my favorite authors of books about angels and their guidance and protection for us.

I have my list of affirmations inside my medicine cabinet in the bathroom, so I can read affirmations while I am brushing my teeth.

My favorite book about positive thinking is "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

6. Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient practice which helps to achieve balance and harmony in your life.
Many people think it's an old voodoo thing and laugh.
But if arranging your surroundings in a certain way can help you and your loved ones to success and feel better why not to try?

One of my favorite guidebooks is "The Illustrated encyclopedia of Feng Shui" by Lillian Too

7. Learn something new
As long as we keep learning new things, our brain keeps working. So pick a subject and start learning.

New Language - my favorite app for learning new language Duolingo. They also have a website.

New Subject. Check for free online courses on different subjects or for free online classes from the world's best universities.

Life is too short. Enjoy it. Make every day count. Leave good foot steps in other people hearts.

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts.


  1. Thank you. This is just what I needed.

  2. I wish I loved the gym! Pretty sure that I don't though. Walking is the best. I need to get out and do it! Thanks for all the tips!
