Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Stock Watch List and Stock Purchases (5/24)

This week I purchased shares of

TGT@55.79 and WFM@37.68

Here is my watch list for upcoming week*.
Stock Name, descriptionprice as 5/16Dividend Yield
CNPCenterpoint energy$23.873.90%
WFMWhole Food Market$37.781.20%
ROSTRoss Stores$68.851.20%
SBSISouthside Bank25.793.20%

* If I move stock to this list, it means there was a price drop or current price is somewhere in the middle.
I do not buy stocks at their highest prices. I might miss some good stocks but I prefer to sit and wait.
If I have a stock on my list, it means I like something about this stock. If I buy one of these stocks, it does not mean I plan to keep them forever. I might sell them if their price would go up a lot and I feel it's time to sell.

I love Sales on my regular shopping sprays and I use this strategy for my stock shopping... :)

I added ROST to my list. I used to have it before but since I decided to invest mostly into Dividends stocks I removed this stock from my list.  But after reading analysis of Project3million here, I decided to put it back into my watch list.

I added SBSI - Southside Bancshares is a holding company for Southside Bank located in Texas.
I discovered this stock while reading

I also updated List of all my Dividends Stocks here. I added some stocks to my watch list and I plan to add more next week.

Please share your thoughts and watch lists.

Thanks for stopping by!

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