Sunday, December 14, 2014

My weekly Stock list (12/14)

It looks like my portfolio is shrinking, but as long as I don't sell anything I have hope for future recovery of stocks.

At least one of my "mistake" investments finally moved to a green zone for me.

BBW - Build a Bear Workshop. I bought this stock back in 2008 for $16.00 and then at some point it fell down to $5.00 but I still kept it and finally now it's back to $20s. I hope their after Christmas sales report will be really good. Well, I learned my lesson"why you should not invest into non dividend stocks".  Imagine, if this stock would pay even 1% dividends through all these years and I reinvested it while stock was selling at $5.00 or $7.00?

Last two weeks were kind of identical for me, so I didn't post last week.

I bought more shares of BBL though, apparently not at their best price. 

Here is my list for upcoming week. 

TAT&T, Inc.$32.165.7%$31.74$37.48$35.673.279.84>15 years
WINWindstream Holdings$8.4710.9%$7.18$13.30$10.132.9212.1810 years
VZVerizon Communications$45.584.80%$45.32$53.66$52.984.639.85>15 years
AVPAvon products$9.592.5%$9.32$18.09$12.192.5-0.29>15 years
AUYYamana Gold$3.961.4%$3.45$10.72$6.721.4-2.079 years

My favorite is WIN. I used to own shares but sold them sometimes ago and I miss my nice dividend income from them. :)

My complete Watch List of Dividends Stocks here. I update this watch list at least once a month.

My stock picking strategy here

Please share your thoughts and watch lists.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November Passive Income Progress

I started tracking my passive income this summer.

My June passive income was $261.00

My July passive income was $209.67  
My August passive income was 235.62

My September passive income was $212.97
My October passive income was $140.37

It looks like I did not buy or sell any stocks in November.
The month just passed by so quickly with my daughter's 18th birthday and all her college apps.

My mortgage company decided to send me an evaluation for my house market price. It was nice to see that just in a year and half since I bought this house the market price increased by 50K. :)

In November I received dividends:


It was my average dividend month but this month I reached total of $1000 in year to date dividends income! 


I earned an interest of $19.00
$15.54 in points on my Discover card
$  3.81 in points on my Amazon card
$10.00 from my Kroger card
I received $10.00 gift card from Sears, 
               $10.00 gift card from JC Penny
               $10.00 gift card from LL Bean
               $5.00 gift card from Kohls

All these gift cards were perfect for a shopping for my daughter's presents. :) I actually received more gift cards from Kohls but have to give it to my friend because we were travelling and I was not planning to go shopping. So I didn't count these cards. :) 

My total financial passive income for the month of November was $207.05

At this moment my goal is to have $1k in monthly passive income from dividends and other financial institutions.

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts and progress.