Showing posts with label july progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label july progress. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2019

Investment Activity for the week of August 19 2019

This week I finished to invest all available money I had in etrade account and I began to use my promotions for free trades for Fidelity. Since I sold one of my rental properties and I am not sure if I want to buy another one (unless I find some awesome deal I really want to have, which I doubt), I am slowly reinvesting into dividends stocks.

Right now when I am driving, I am listening to the audio book "The Warren Buffet Way: Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor" by Robert Hagstrom and this book is very inspiring. It feel like a confirming message for me that I am on a right path. Even with all market ups and down, I feel really excited being able to add more positions to my portfolio. But next year I am planning to follow Phil Town's strategy on sales, when you buy and eventually sell, when you reach certain profit amount. Although I only want to purchase dividends stocks, so even if my stock is down, I still earn my passive income. I really want to attend Phil Town "Rule#1" seminar in Georgia, but with all logistics (tickets, rental car and hotel), it's just too complicated for now.

This week my son and I both got $50 each into our Discover credit card account. I referred him and he was approved for his first own credit card. Next step is to set up automatic full payment every month from his bank account. I am teaching him that he can use his credit card, but have to pay off every month. Some kids just have no clue about interest. I was talking to a girl, who is a frond desk help at one of my accounting clients and I had to explain to her how much her Luis Vuitton purse actually costs her with all interest she is paying right now. Hopefully I inspired her and she will try to pay off her card as fast as she can. Oh well, if to would be my daughter... We would have a huge drama if she would max out her credit card for Luis Vuitton purse and then I would force her to return it... :) We already had a talk about Luis Vuitton purse before. Although she had cash to buy it. She is mostly very frugal but sometimes peer pressure could be dangerous! I can be a mean mom some days, but it's always for their best interests.

Back to stock market. I actually purchased lots of new positions this week.


19 shares of LYB - new position 
33 shares of OXY - new position
38 shares of IP - new position
38 shares of HP - new position
25 shares of RDS-B - new position
25 shares of WBA - new position
23 shares of HOG - add up to existing
34 shares of M - add up to existing

It will add $478 to my yearly dividend income.

I did not sell anything this week.

How was your week?

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Investment Activity for the week of August 12 2019

This was my last week of free trading through Etrade. I was busy with my house projects beginning of the week and missed some low price for some stocks days. I usually purchase my stocks Thursday/Friday but I start thinking to move my stock purchases to Monday/Tuesdays and then follow up other days.

I totally forgot that on top of free trades for two months, I was supposed to receive $200 bonus from Etrade. So it was a pleasant surprise. :)

I still have $6k left to invest in my Etrade account, so I will buy more stocks in next couple of weeks.
Good thing that even my free trades are over, Etrade switched me to $4.95 per trade instead of $6.95. Each dollar counts, right? :)

I start thinking that until the end of this year I might only buy stocks and sell some losers to offset some capital gains, because I will have a huge tax bill from the sale of my rental house. I already precalculated this amount before I decided to sell the house. So should be no surprises there. Eventually I plan to write a post why I decided to sell my rental house.

This week I've got a good news about our rental property in Russia - my dad found new renters for a year. Bad news - he sent me his calculations for repairs and maintenance fees and it looks like all income will be covering these fees for a while. It is still good though that it will be repaid with renters payments! We plan to sell this property in a year(straightening up documents right now)  and buy a better condo for my mom here instead. I have to tell you - owning a property overseas is no fun at all.

I was planning to purchase more stocks this week but I started my purchases Thursday and planned to buy more Friday. But on Friday prices started going up, so I didn't purchase anything that day.


 30 shares of TX
15 shares of UFS
35 shares of VET
44 shares of IGT
12 shares of MDP - new position

It will add $202 to my yearly dividend income

I did not sell anything this week.

How was your week?

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Investment Activity for the week of August 5 2019

I am still taking an advantage of my free trades with Etrade. This week I finally used my money sitting in my IRA account and some small leftovers in SEP IRA.

It was very active trading week for me!


20 shares of ABBV
36 shares of ADM
70 shares of CLDT
85 shares of HT
100 shares of PMD
49 shares of SEMG
25 shares of TOT
40 shares of TPR

It will add $666 to my yearly dividend income.

I did not sell anything this week.

How was your week?

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Investment Activity for the week of July 29 2019

I am a little behind on this one. I was planning to post this last week but got busy.
My investment activities for the week of July 29, 2019.
I had crazy week and purchased all my stocks last Friday. Well, if I waited until Monday I would get better pricing but it's ok.


CCL Carnival Corp. 27 shares - I finally have 100 shares and it means every time I am cruising with Carnival, I will get some room credit - $50 for cruises less than 7 days, $100 for 7 days and probably more for longer cruises. I didn't care about longer cruises yet because we don't go to longer cruises yet.

CC 20 shares

ARR 50 shares

VET 60 shares

TLRD 100 shares

This will give me $403 in yearly dividend income 

Sold: none.
I am planning to sell some losers to offset earnings and then rebuy them back later.

I am working on my watch list for current week but still work in progress.

Thanks for reading

Thursday, August 1, 2019

July 2019 Dividends and Passive Income Progress

Hello guys,

It was pretty good month for me. Since I sold my rental property in June, I am still trying to decide if I would buy another rental/flip house or just slowly invest all my money into various dividends stocks.
Eventually I plan to turn my current house into a rental property and buy another one to live in, but time will show. We still have one rental house, which used to be my husband's house and I am the one, who manages this house. Plus we still have an apartment overseas, which my dad is trying to rent out while I am in process of all paperwork for sale one day... It's just a long and messy process...

I feel kind of tired of real estate activities and renters, so I might stick with more stocks and stock trading for now. My goal is to earn at least $1000 per month from trading, which would be equal to that my rental income used to be. Additionally I am investing into more dividends stock right now, so it will help me to reach my initial goal of $1000 per month from passive income (dividends+interest).

Right now I am working part time and loving it, but I am thinking to go back to work full time. Mostly I plan to go work full time in order to help my mom because she doesn't have much income. My hope is that she will find some kind of job or settle down with some man and at least can share some expenses with him. Overwise I will have to start helping her pretty soon, since she is just spending money she earned before and not being very wise about that...

My total passive earnings for July $707.59, which include dividends income $361.18 and my bonus from opening Discover interest account and interest from Discover and Fidelity $346.41

My dividends paying stocks for this months were: BNS, BCE, CHSP, CMCSM, DIS, GE, GPS, GSK, HRB, KO, KMB, M, MO, NEA, NKE, O, PM, STOR, TUP, UNIT, VER

Here is my progress since 2014

Year to date
Year to date
Year to date
Year to date
Year to date
Year to date

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts and progress.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

July 2017 Dividends and Passive Income Progress

July was another super busy month.

I spent lots of time on changing my last name due to my marriage, then decided on a new health insurance, etc... We visited my new in laws in Arkansas for 4th of July.

I passed my test for a Real Estate Licence and decided on brokerage company. So now it's going to be one of my other part time jobs plus I will use it for our own real estate transactions.

We are still in process of preparing my husband's house to become a rental and my mom decided to sell her condo and move back to Florida.

I didn't purchase any new stocks in July. But I think in my June post I didn't mention that I actually bought 3 more stocks in June. Of course, now it looks like I could wait... I bought 42 shares of GE, 23 shares of GIS and 6 shares of GWW.

Dividends received July 2017


Its' 29% increase comparing to July 2016.

Here 2014/2015/2016 vs 2017:

Year to date
Year to date
Year to date
Year to date

Additional passive income or free money from various financial institutions:
interest                                                                                                         $14.00
Chase Freedom                                                                                            $14.21
Amex points                                                                                                  $2.35
Discover                                                                                                         $5.21
Gift cards KOHLS/Palais Royal                                                                   $20.00
My total financial passive income for the month of July was $331.48

I started tracking my passive income Summer 2014

June $261.00
July $209.67
August $235.62
September $212.97
October $140.37
November $207.05
December $377.91
Total $1644.59

 2015 Passive Income
January $167.44
February $279.29
March $397.80
April $202.48
May $229.70
June $368.21
July $205.56
August $254.16
September $494.20
October $231.18
November $268.28
December $458.46
Total $3556.76

2016 Passive Income
January $298.49
February $332.39
March $500.67
April $360.27
May $249.71
June $414.51
July $278.08
August $164.45
September $441.78
October $335.86
November $218.30
December $506.91
Total $4101.42

2017 Passive Income
January $270.26
February $207.60
March $776.41
April $367.62

May  $230.22
June $458.02
Total $2310.13

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts and progress.